Thursday, 1 December 2011

Creation : Was it God or was it nature?




  1. I pesonally dont beleive in god because he is meant to make all these miracles happen and if he is real then why are people born with disabilities? why do people have to die? That is the reason why i dont beleive in god

  2. I think that god created the world this is because he is known as a magical man. He's known to have special powers he could of done it with his mind. He could of made the Big Bang? There's no way that someone could of made the world by themself but god might of not been a human he might of been something that there's only one of, the person who desevers to be 'The Creator.'

  3. i believe that god created the earth because how could the universe just begin like that and not have someone to create it. furthermore, god could have made the big bang. your probably thinking how could a normal person create the earth? well god most likely has special powers and that is why i believe that god made the earth.

  4. Scientists believe in the Big Bang theory but religion beleieves that it was God who created the world. But how do we know that The Big Bang was or wasn't created by God.Personally I don't believe in God but if he does exist then why do people die of hunger? why do we have wars?
    If God did exist then there would be no wars or terrorism.

  5. alot of religons belive that god created the world we stand on now but alot of scientists belive that the "big bang" made this world and i think it could be any way but what i dont get is "how can plants grow from a explotion" (includeing fruit and veg)

    by Sam

  6. i believe scientist theory created the world because there is no way for a magical guy to use some magic in one day and a week to create the eart. but the science theory took millions of years to grow everything to place.and if god was real he would fix all bad things lik tornados and eruptions
