Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Young Enterprise Team Success

Tuesday 22nd November

I had the privilege of accompanying 5 members of the BCC Young Enterprise Team attended a seminar at Bloxham Mill Business Park to learn about marketing, sales and the effective use of social networking to build businesses.

The team took part in a selling task and performed exceptionally well achieving the joint highest amount of sales in a 20 minute period.

We will doubtless hear more from the team as they decide how they will make their millions!


Jason, our business advisor from Integration Technology discusses strategy with members of the team.

Y8 RS : 8.5 and 8.4 - HW for Mr Clarke

Baptism Task : Design a Baptism
Using the 6 Step Template design a Baptism to reflect the beliefs of a Christian Denomination of your choice.

Your plan can include diagrams, images, notes, a script, photographs of the ceremony being acted out, photos of a model of a church, an animation, etc.

The steps should be explained briefly in the small text box.

The links below will take you to the resources used in the lesson:

Resource 5

You should also complete your learning record, you may wish to complete this electroincally, if so the blank document is here

Friday, 11 November 2011

Remembrance Day Reflections
 Laurence Binyon's poem "For the Fallen",
They went with songs to the battle, they were young.
Straight of limb, true of eyes, steady and aglow.
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted,
They fell with their faces to the foe.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.

A war is like a tornado because it ruins lives and destroys families and countries

Rememberance Day is important because it gives a sign of respect and thankfulness to the brave men and women who were fighting in a war, past and present.   Thankyou.

They were young and thoughtful so we should applaud them.   It is important because they put their lives at risk for us.   I think they were brave

How do you know when someone remembers you?   When they wear a poppy on Remembrance day, because we fought for you, we died for you, and in your darkest hours we protected you, and we are remembered.

War is like a tornado because war is life ruining and nasty for soldiers family.

Remembrance Day is when we will sit in class for 2 minutes of silent time to be respectful to those who died in the war.   But we also thank them as well because they did it for their country and they were ready to do that.  So we thank them again.

Let us know why 'war is like a tornado' in 15 words:

Charlotte 9.5
Why war is like a tornado -
  • anger
  • hate
  • damage
  • kills
  • disaster
  • darkness
  • can't forget
  • torture
  • no way out
  • lost love
Megan 9.4
War is like a tornado because war is people fighting against each other.  Tornados are the same - they wreck things in their path

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Blending in Y7 Art

Y7 Art:

As promised below are some of images showing some blending techniques use on a Gamesworkshop model.

This Tyranid Zoanthrope was blended from dark green to white. I will be practicing again following the advice you gave me in the lesson today.


Wednesday, 2 November 2011

The Meaning Of Life!! In three words

Task: Spend some time thinking about what you would want to achieve during your life: List 5 things in your Word Document that you would like to do during your lifetime, and explain why.

TASK: Post one final comment of no more than 3 words to complete the sentence below (funniest response, without being rude, wins a prize!)

The meaning of life is ......

The Meaning Of Life!! The Big Debate

Task: What do you believe? Add a single paragraph to your Word Document explaining what you think is the reason for us being here is. Can you explain why you believe this? If so add some bullet points to you document for a group discussion next lesson.
If you are not sure, you might like to imagine you are one of the following people:

A Catholic Priest
A Scientist
An Astronaut
A Soldier
A Bible Scholar
A Philosopher
A Mother with a young baby
A Nurse

TASK: Post a comment below which tells the readers of this Blog why you believe what you believe. Your post should convince them you are right. (You can imagine you are a character above, include that in your name, an example is provided)

The Meaning Of Life!! What is the meaning and purpose of life for Humanists?

Humanists do not believe that God exists

Visit this web site and find out what Humanists believe

What do the different humanists say about the purpose of life?

Task: You should type 5 bullet points on your word document listing what Humanists believe. Now colour code the bullet points : Green - those you agree with, Yellow - Those you are not sure about, Red - those you disagree with. Be ready to discuss these points next lesson.

The Meaning Of Life!! What is the meaning and purpose of life for Catholic Christians?

 · In the thirteenth century there lived a monk named St. Thomas Aquinas
· He wrote several books on theology and philosophy
· He is one of the most influential theologians to have ever lived.
· His writings are particularly important to Roman Catholic Christians.
· Aquinas said that human beings had a purpose: to do good and avoid evil.
· He broke this up into Primary Precepts – different rules that help humans achieve this purpose.
· In pairs, discuss which of the Precepts below you think are the most important.

A: Self-preservation (protecting our own life)
B: Protection of the Innocent
C: Reproduction (having children)
D: Educate children
E: Live safely in society
F: Worship God

Put the precepts above in a rank order with your partner. (example: F,D,E,C,A,B)

Come up with one more Precept of your own (Precept X) , where would it fit in the rank?

Task: Post your answers (example: F,D,E,C,X,,A,B My Precept X is.........)
Task: Find a definition for each of the green words above and paste it in to your A4 word document.

The Meaning Of Life!! Where do Christians believe humans come from?

The Bible

Read the story from the second chapter of Genesis :

This tells Christians that humanity were created by God. The first humans were named Adam and Eve.
What does this story tell Christians about their purpose in life?
Task: Post a comment below to answer the question above. Copy and paste your answer into your Word Document.
You might want to start your post with the following:
Christians believe Adam and Eve were created to ...
Adam was created to...

The Meaning Of Life!!

Why am I here?

The really big question, why are we here? Not at school, in England or on the Planet , but why do we even exist?

What is the point?

We might not be able to come up with a definitive answer in this session but we will explore different views held by people around the world.

Take 1 minute, no more than 60 seconds to think about why you think we exist.

TASK 1: Post a comment below, 15 words or less, telling me why you think we are here. (Add your name but only your first name)

Then follow this link

You could start your post with one of the following if you like:

I believe we exist to....
I think we are here because...
Our reason for being is .......