Wednesday, 2 November 2011

The Meaning Of Life!! What is the meaning and purpose of life for Catholic Christians?

 · In the thirteenth century there lived a monk named St. Thomas Aquinas
· He wrote several books on theology and philosophy
· He is one of the most influential theologians to have ever lived.
· His writings are particularly important to Roman Catholic Christians.
· Aquinas said that human beings had a purpose: to do good and avoid evil.
· He broke this up into Primary Precepts – different rules that help humans achieve this purpose.
· In pairs, discuss which of the Precepts below you think are the most important.

A: Self-preservation (protecting our own life)
B: Protection of the Innocent
C: Reproduction (having children)
D: Educate children
E: Live safely in society
F: Worship God

Put the precepts above in a rank order with your partner. (example: F,D,E,C,A,B)

Come up with one more Precept of your own (Precept X) , where would it fit in the rank?

Task: Post your answers (example: F,D,E,C,X,,A,B My Precept X is.........)
Task: Find a definition for each of the green words above and paste it in to your A4 word document.

1 comment:

  1. Example: F,E,D,X,C,A,B My Pricept X is 'Be Happy'
