Friday, 27 January 2012

7.2 RS Aesops Fables - Moral Tales

Aesops Fables

Resourses for todays lesson:

Your Task for this Lesson

Read/watch/listen to at least 5 of Aesops Fables (they are short, so this won't take long)

The BCC Fables

Think about the messages contained within the Fables and come up with your own 'Fable' that shares an important message about how to do well at school.

Post your Fable on the BLOG before the end of the lesson

Some Questions you will need to be able to answer at the end of this lesson:
  1. What is a 'Fable'?
  2. Are fables useful? Why?
  3. Which of the Fables you have read has been the most meaningful to you?
  4. Why do we still read Aesops Fables which were written 2500 years ago?


  1. Once there was a boy who was always nice and everyone liked him. He went to see a movie one day and he met someone that liked him so he found out where she lived and they played out together every day but one day something happened to the girl she was getting bullied and the boy just watched it happen so they had a fight and the boy felt really bad. He went home one day and there was a note for him it said “I hate you never talk to me again” it was from the girl.
    The moral is you can’t be nice to anyone and don’t just stand there when something is happening to your friend. Use your brain and help others that need it.

  2. One day two cats were walking together along the street. One was naughty and one was nice. When they reached the school the naughty cat dared the nice cat to attack a kitten that was also walking along the street. The nice cat was just too nice to say no to it. So the nice cat attacked the kitten and the kitten ran off crying and limping all the way home. That night the nice cat couldn’t sleep because of what he had done. The next day he went back to the kitten but when he started to talk to her she ran off again crying. He never had a good night sleep again.
    The moral is do what you think is right and not what is wrong.

    1. I'm not sure being silly enough to do something so mean just because you are told to is quite the same as being 'too nice'. However its a very good message. Well done.

  3. The rabbit and the donkey
    By Evie
    One hot sunny day a donkey decided that he was going to challenge his friend the rabbit to a quiz. The rabbit agreed and thought that it would be a good idea to cheat so the rabbit paid a horse to come up with a load of questions and tell the rabbit the answers. Meanwhile the donkey was busy revising for the quiz and was not aware of the rabbit’s scheme. The day of the quiz arrived and the rabbit was ready to go and the donkey was still thinking of possible questions and answers. While the rabbit was getting ready for the quiz the horse snuck into the donkeys stable and told him of the rabbit’s scheme. The donkey was livid and came up with a plan to teach the rabbit a lesson “come up with 8 different questions and don’t tell him the answers but let me know what those questions were, BUT DON’T TELL ME THE ANSWERS. So the horse did just that. The rabbit was humiliated because the donkey knew all the answers and was faster on the buzzer the scores were donkey 17 Rabbit 1. The rabbit felt really silly and never cheated ever again.

  4. My BCC fable. Two carrots and a cabbage.

    Two carrots where chilling in a fridge. They were having a meaningful conversation about life. One carrot said to the other “I’m so glad you look like me! If you looked any different, we simply couldn’t be friends!” The other one laughed with him and agreed. They both talked about other things until they were taken out of the fridge! The woman was chopping off their hair and putting them in a pot full of water! They were screaming when all of a sudden a green leafy looking thing was thrown in with them.
    “Oww this is really hot guys!” He yells.
    “Ugh. Why are you green? We hate green people!” They both mutter. Time passes on and soon, the water was reaching a deadly temperature.
    “Guys, I know you don’t like me, but since I can save you, hop on my back and get out of the pan!” He yells at them over the boiling water.
    “Really?” they yell and he nods. After struggling, the two carrots make their way onto the cabbage’s back and hop out of the pan just in time.
    “Thank you!” they yell, but the cabbage is dead and bobbling in the pan. The two carrots soon realise that the cabbage was nice, despite them being horrible and him having green skin.

    So the moral of the story is: don’t judge people by how they look.

    1. It's not easy being green! I hope the carrots made it our of the kitchen before they were popped back in the pot!

  5. The Meerkat and the Squirrel
    By Sophie

    One warm sunny day, squirrel was out collecting food for his hibernation in winter. Acorns and nuts and even leftover pieces of fries and sandwiches. He was walking back from a hard day’s work of collecting food, and saw meerkat, feasting on bugs and scorpions with his friends “Oh look everyone its squirrel!” shouted meerkat. “Hey do you wanna come and feast with us?”
    “No no no” he said “ I have much work to do.

  6. There once was a Hare that went to school every day except the weekend. At the weekend he’d play with his friend Donkey. Donkey wanted to go to school too. So one day Hare took him. Hare was very clever at school because he concentrated all the time and listened. However Donkey was very naughty he always used to talk and copy Hare’s work. It came to the time where Hare and Donkey had to do an exam. Hare got full marks, but Donkey got all the questions wrong.

  7. The monster, the kid and the bee
    The moral: is nobody likes having their time wasted
    Once there was a kid called jimmy. He woke up in the night. In the morning before school a bee came through his bedroom window and tapped him on the shoulder. he warned him not to waste time with the monster so he wouldn’t be in trouble with Mr Norris.
    So that night a monster came to jimmy’s bed and woke him up he was chatting to him for hours but then he realised he was late for school ! Mr Norris put him in donkey’s years of detention …

    1. That's the problem with monsters, too many interesting 'tails' to tell

  8. The quiz.
    Everyone knew the dog was the smartest animal in the house but the mouse was a whole other story. One day the mouse challenged the dog to a quiz. The mouse tried to beat the dog but overall the dog won. But what happened next was not so nice the dog boasted and laughed at the mouse. The day after the cat came home dog told her of his victory so the cat went to the mouse and asked what happened. When the cat found out of the dogs meanness the cat spread the word of this horrible thing. On the next day the dog went outside expecting his fan club to be waiting for him but there was no-one. The dog saw his fan club and others huddled around some-one it was the mouse. Now mouse was the most popular but he never boasted. All he did was the best he could. The moral try your best and don’t boast or you’ll end up like the dog lonely and upset.
    By Daniel

  9. The moral: hard work pays
    The fox, the rabbit and the hare
    The fox set the homework to make a 2 page essay about the romans due in the next week. The rabbit went home and started straight away. He said he would do 30 minutes a day and he stuck to his word. The Hare said he was too busy that day so he would do it tomorrow. The truth is all he was doing was playing computer games. Every day he used the same excuse. The day before it was due in he was just about to use his lie when his mother turned around and said “That homework is due in tomorrow so you better well do it.”
    The next day everyone handed in their homework except hare who didn’t have any. He was grounded for a month. This meant no computer games.


    The chicken and the cow made a bet, who would get further in school. The cow messed around and the chicken concentrated. The chicken went up to the cow please concentrate u will not get a good job and the cow said “maybe I’ll work later.” But it was too late the school had finished for the last time for year 11 the cow got a job as a garbage man and the chicken was a layer.

    1. Whilst 'Layer' is a perfectly good job for a chicken, I think you meant Lawyer?

  11. One day a man went to the woods to get some firewood. As he walked he saw a Wolf cub. He pointed his gun at the wolf cub but realised that it meant no harm. Its mother had been shot so the man took the wolf cub in. As the wolf cub grew up it became tamer and was alright with being with the man. One day a robber came into the house and decided to rob the house, the young wolf decided to kill the robber.
    The End
